Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sleep training Mommy, I mean Kyler!

Let me start this by saying that my kid doesn't nap. That's not entirely true... She will nap for 20-30 minutes at a time. And about once a week, if the stars are all aligned perfectly, there isn't a noise in the house, her room is a perfect 69.5 degrees and Wilbur the Pig is flying by outside, she will nap for about an hour.

Anyway, I read Baby Wise and attempted to set her on a schedule. This never happened, and I swear, the kid actually giggles whenever I talk about it around her. She is completely aware that she is making her mother bonkers, but she's cute, so it's all good. At this point we are at about 4 naps a day and 5 bottles a day. She takes a bottle every 3 hours, starting around 7 am. She naps whenever she damn well pleases. 

We have decided it is time to stop swaddling her while she sleeps, as she is now rolling over (laying on her back is SO last week). We have started with naps, and it is going well. She sleeps like an absolute angel for those 20 minutes! We will start trying nights in the next few weeks. Here are some AHdorable pictures of our sleeping beauty! 

And here is some more Kyler Cuteness for the road... 

Seriously???? How can anything be so cute? My father-in-law told Kyler she wasn't going to have any skin left if her mommy kept kissing her. Can you blame me? Look at that adorable face!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

A taste of fall?

This weekend was absolutely AHmazing, as far as weather is concerned. After sweating our tushies off for months, we finally had some cool weather! THANK GOODNESS!

With cooler weather arriving we got to enjoy some fallish goodies! 

First, Kyler got to wear something other than rompers and onesies! YAY! Exhibit A...
Gorgeous little munchkin- if you ask me! 
Fall also means FOOTBALL season! During football season I feel like my husband is in a big football cloud, so it's nice to have Kyler as a distraction this year. This year I can dress her in cute football clothes AND this year I can drink beer!!! (last year I had a Ky Bug in my belly, so beer was a NO NO)
Go Broncos!!!

Seriously, she is the CUTEST little Hawkeye fan in the whole world!
Kyler must be a goodluck charm. Both of our football teams won this weekend. The Hawks beat ISU in the "Iowa Bowl", and the Broncos beat the NY Giants in the "Manning Bowl". I would say it was a pretty successful football weekend! 

We also celebrated a good friend's brithday this weekend. We left Kyler with grandma and grandpa Egg, as there was talk of Saki BOMBS in the birthday invitation. You don't have to tell me twice! SAKI SAKI BOMB! With that said, I am just not sure this Mama is in drinking shape. A few beers, a couple Saki bombs, and I was dying the whole next day. Saki bomb-1 Nicky-0

I am so lucky to have a few "insta-besties" in Iowa! Seriously, it makes being away from Colorado so much easier! 
Falon is a girl after my own heart- she LOVES beer! This made gift-giving super easy! Just picked out some COLORADO beers (gotta represent the box state), a cute Hawkeye koozie, a cute basket and call it good!
Now, for the most exciting part of the weekend! Our big girl has started rolling over!! She has been trying for the last couple weeks, but put it all together this Saturday. Now she will hardly lay on her back. Every time I put her down she rolls straight to her tummy. Please ignore all of the goofy commentary- as you can see Ky has quite the cheering section (as every superstar should)!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Kyler's Nursery!

I had so much fun decorating Kyler's nursery while I was pregnant! I actually became obsessed with it, as it was my only form of entertainment (aside from my DVR).

Before we even knew what we were having I knew exactly what I wanted for a little girl's nursery. I wanted it to be Shabby Chic with lots of old pieces from our families. 
I saw something like this on ETSY (LOVE that website), but it was $109. If I ordered something like this for $109 my husband would have a conniption! So I took a huge leap into crafting. Came out pretty good, if I may say so! Frame (Hobby Lobby)- $20, Fabric (Hobby Lobby)- $8, Letter K (Michael's)- $6, Saving a crap ton of money- PRICELESS!!! BAM!

This old quilt was actually a huge piece of my inspiration for the room. I chose the colors for the nursery to match this quilt. This was my mom's quilt when she was little, and it was redone for me when I was little, and now for Kyler. My Grandma says I have to fix it up next time, so we will try and take really good care of it! Hehe

These adorable ruffle curtains were from Target! So was the ruffle quilt!

This was my great grandma's picnic basket, which has been passed down to my grandma, and then to my mom, and then to me. My mom gave it to me for my bridal shower. It's much older than I am, and in amazing shape- perfect blanket holder!
This cute little cross was given to Kyler by my mom's best friend (my Aunt Lisa).

This wall has lots of special pieces on it. The baby doll (Cindy)l was mine when I was little, and I carried her everywhere. The old baby shoes were worn by my mom and aunts. The Iowa pig was given to me by Zach at the airport when I went to visit him before he moved to Colorado. The Building blocks are just some old blocks my grandma had. The stuffed dog is Zach's "Bobo"- his little friend who went everywhere with him until kindergarten. The picture is just something I saw online. It is a picture of a little girl with a dog, and it reads, "Anyone who says diamonds are a girl's bestfriend never owned a dog". These shelves were white, but I painted them using acrylic paint I bought at Hobby Lobby ($1 per color).

This old rocker used to be in my Great Grandparents' cabin in Fraser, CO. My mom recovered it for me. The pillow is made from the same material as the quilt and some old fabric from curtains my grandma made for my mom's room when she was little. Thank goodness my Granmda and mom save all these old things! HAHA The quilt on the back of the chair was made by a good friend of mine! 

This awesome table was actually my mother-in-laws. She bought it at Hobby Lobby, but wasn't using it. She told me I could use it for the nursery if I wanted and it worked out perfectly! YAY!

This is my mom's baptism certificate and dress.

I found this old lingerie dresser on Craig's list. The woman who sold it to me redoes old furniture. It was $70, so kinda pricey for our budget, but totally worth it! The night stand is an antique that I stole from my mom. WHOOPS!

That white teddy bear sure has been loved on. He only has one eye!

The collage was one of my favorite things to put together! There are pictures of Zach and I when we were babies, Zach's mom when she was a baby, my grandma and great grandma, our dogs, etc. It was so fun! I painted most of these frames using acrylic paint from Hobby Lobby ($1 per color). I used crackle finish on some of them to make them look older and more "shabby chic".

This is a necklace that was my mom's when she was a baby. I framed it with some cute fabric behind it.

When we moved to Iowa we had to pack up all of the nursery, and it was really hard knowing that we weren't going to be unpacking most of those boxes when we got to Des Moines. Zach's dad was gracious enough to give up half of his office for Kyler's crib, changing table and dresser. We also put the rocker in there. It's perfect for right now! I am still really excited to find our own place and put all of this cuteness back together!

Here is a picture of tiny Kyler sleeping in her crib before we moved! We also took newborn pictures in there, but I will save that for another post!

Sneaking in some cuddles before we moved!
Wowzers that was a lot of pictures!

Blogging Slacker

I had really high hopes for my blogging life... Sadly, this has not been reality! 

Since my last blog I have given birth, moved to Iowa, visited Colorado twice, watched a tiny baby turn into a roley poley chunkeroo AND survived my first summer in the sticky, sweaty mess that is an Iowa summer. Scratch that last one- it is September 10th, 99 degrees outside, and I might die! 

First, let's talk about birth! I'm going to be honest here... I would rather give birth once a month than be pregnant for 9. Birth was hard, but exciting and I was so proud of what I had created! Either way, here is a picture of our gorgeous little pumpkin... 

Kyler Janette Eggleston
Born May 21, 2013 at 2:09 pm
6 lb 14 oz and 19.25" of PERFECTION!

We are slightly obsessed with her, to say the least! 

Now, about that move to Iowa! Zach was offered a job with a town about 40 minutes outside of Des Moines. After a lah hot of discussion we decided we would take a chance and move our little family back to what my husband calls "God's Country". We are currently living with his parents in Des Moines. Why these people have agreed to take in two adults, a new baby and 3 CRAZY dogs is beyond me, but we are extremely grateful! They do, however, enjoy lots of time with Kyler, which I think (hope) makes it more tolerable! =)

Since being out here in "God's Country" (God's steamroom), I have been able to get back to see my family and friends in Colorado twice! Yep, not only did we move a 3 week old across the country, but she has been racking up some frequent flier (and car trip) miles also! We went back at the end of July so my husband could attend a bachelor party, and again two weeks later to surprise my Wife for our annual birthday extravaganza!

Here are some pics from the homeland! 
Papa Don is in love. Can you tell??
Grandma Susie and Ky Bug!

Kyler and her BFF, Kadence. (my best friend's daughter)

Kyler with Uncle Donny- before and after she pooped on him! What amazing timing she has! SCORE!

If you have never rented a peddalhopper, may I strongly suggest you try it?! So much fun!! Advice: bring your own jugs of booze for while you ride! It was a fantastic mess! 

When people tell you that your baby will grow up in the blink of an eye, they mean it! I mean, I guess it has only been three and a half months, but it sure flew by! One minute you are holding this wrinkly, skinny little angel, and the next you are watching this chunky little piece of heaven try to roll, grab her toys, giggle, try to sit up... AH! Everyday is so exciting! 

This was 2 days before she was 2 months old. I will get better at monthly pictures!

I can't wait to continue watching her learn and grow! She is amazing!

I have never been so excited for fall! Iowa is HOT and humid! I hear fall is beautiful here. I am looking forward to boots and sweaters, and saying goodbye to swamp ass! Whew! 

Getting ready for some small-town football fun in Van Meter (Zach's home town).

I think that kind of catches us up. Here's to hoping I get better at this!