Thursday, January 9, 2014

Baby Eggleston #2 is a...


Sisters are the PERFECT Best Friend!

I can't believe we will have another little girl this year! We definitely thought it was a boy this time. Clearly we aren't great at guessing (we thought Kyler was too). When the ultrasound technician said, "Well, you'll recognize these parts because you're having another girl", I immediately looked at Zach, who put his face in his hands and started shaking his head. I imagine that the lyrics of "Still Cleaning this Gun" by Rodney Atkins started playing in his head, but that's just a guess. The ultrasound technician then said, "There's nothing wrong with being surrounded by beautiful women".  Zach laughed and agreed. I don't blame the guy for being nervous. He's got some serious tasks to perfect over the next few years... pigtails, tea parties, putting Barbie's head back on (always a tough one for dad), kissing booboos and painting fingernails. He better get to practicing, and I need a pedicure, so this seems perfect! Joking aside, he is pretty excited to have another little princess running around here- how could he not be? Kyler is one fun little gal! 
Here are a few more cute shots of Kyler from her gender reveal shoot today. HA! This girl is on the go, and nearly impossible to take pictures of these days.

Having two girls so close in age will be a great adventure. Not mention, we get to pull out all of the clothes Ky only wore once or twice. AND I feel completely justified in every hair bow or cute outfit purchase I make these days. I told Zach they are "like an investment now". He laughed, so I think I pulled it off?? Either way, what fun!

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