Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Steak Sandwiches and Messy Hair!

Have you ever seen that commercial with all of the babies right after they wake up? They all have sleepy eyes and crazy, amazing bed head? Aaaahhh! I love it! Anyway, I have been patiently waiting for the day that Kyler wakes up with serious bed head. I have definitely seen more intense cases of bed head, but this one was adorable and my absolute favorite that I have ever seen! 

I am going to admit that I have no idea how people with more than one child find the time to cook (or eat, shower, clean, breath...). I find the idea of planning a meal quite daunting these days. Hopefully part of that is the pregnancy blahs, and I will snap out of it once this little girl is born! 

I have been trying to think of really easy recipes lately that take little preparation or time to cook. This is one my mom has been making for years (I might not make it exactly like she does- she kicks my ass in the cooking department). 

Easy Peasy Steak Sandwiches

Steak (I buy sirloin- the amount depends on how many people you are cooking for)
Banana Peppers (as hot or mild as you like)
Hoagies (or french rolls, or steak rolls, or whichever sandwich roll you like) 
Provolone cheese

  1. Use a meat mallet to beat the steak so it is thinner and more tender
  2. Cut it into strips (I use scissors to do this)
  3. Cut onion into rings
  4. Put steak strips, onion and banana peppers into a skillet and pour banana pepper juice into skillet. 
  5. Cover and cook on medium high heat until steak strips brown. 
  6. Turn heat to low and cook for 10 minutes. 
  7. Toast sandwich rolls with provolone cheese on them (I just put mine in the oven and cook for a few minutes) 
  8. Slap some of the steak mixture on your rolls and call it GOOD!


Friday, March 21, 2014

What to Expect When You're Expecting. For Real Though...

You can expect one of two reactions to the above situation. I have experienced both! The first scenario involves elation! Hugs and kisses all around! The second scenario involves a few shits, damns and a maybe a "You've got to be f***ing kidding me". Don't get me wrong, I am beyond excited to have another baby. More children were always in the plans, just not less than a year after the first was born.

You see, I am NOT one of those women who LOVES pregnancy. In fact, I don't think those women really exist. They are like unicorns. You hear about them, but it's safe to say anyone claiming to have seen one is full of shit. If someone claims to be one of these mythical creatures... Well, that is an entirely different issue. (I am talking to you, Mom) Pregnancy sucks the life out of you. No seriously, that little booger growing inside of you literally steals the nutrients you live on, your energy, your beauty, your perky breasts and ass... Oh man, it turns ugly fast! 

Before you start thinking that I am an unfit parent, I will tell you that I LOVE my daughter more than anything on the planet! She has been the light of my life since her tiny, wrinkled body was finally out of mine! And that day couldn't have come soon enough for me.

The First Trimester

YAY! You are pregnant! Now what? You are probably excited for the journey ahead! You get to be a mommy! You get to grow a little person inside your belly! For a quick moment you forget that you can't enjoy a few cold ones on a Friday night for 9 whole 10 whole MONTHS (unless you are nursing, in which case, tack on roughly 6 more).

During these first months you will experience exhaustion you didn't know was possible! By 2 pm every afternoon you will feel like you haven't slept since 1991 (the year you actually stopped needing daily naps). You will fall asleep as soon as you get home from work. Some day your husband is going to walk in and possibly see you sleeping on the couch, with your shoes still on, a box of Lucky Charms in your hand, and a puddle of drool under your face. The honeymoon is over, folks!

Then suddenly one day you realize you can't stand Lucky Charms. Or any other food. Or the smell of your husband's deodorant. You will wonder if saltines and seltzer water will nourish your body for the rest of your life, because anything else must never be within a 20-foot radius of you EVER AGAIN! 

 You will look in the mirror one day and see the 15 year old version of yourself staring back at you, with a break out so horrible you contemplate wearing a bag over your head whenever you leave the house. Or maybe just never leaving the house again? 

You will spend these first few months of pregnancy running to the bathroom to pee or throw up  (between naps, of course) and trying to find a way to hide the fact that you have become a zombie, so no one finds out you are pregnant.

The Second Trimester

During the first few weeks of the second trimester you will start to wonder if you are still pregnant. Suddenly, food sounds good again, you only pee 73 times a day (instead of 105), you will make it all day without napping! You start to wonder if you are one of those girls who likes pregnancy? Wait, it's not that bad... This is a trick!

This is a nice little break in the middle of your pregnancy, and a much needed one. If you are going to workout or do anything productive with your life, plan it during these few short months! This is when your "beer gut belly" will start to look more like a pregnant belly! This is the cute phase. Enjoy it! People are going to want to touch you, in which case I suggest touching them back! Seriously. I promise that if some elderly woman at the grocery store thinks she can rub my belly, I am going to reach out and rub hers too. Weird? Ok then. Glad we understand one another.

Baby movements are another part of the second trimester that help to make it the best part of pregnancy. Shit starts getting real. "Holy buhgeez, there is a human growing inside of me". Pretty cool. For a minute.

The Third Trimester

Oh yeah, now it's on! Ever peed your pants when you cough? Sneeze? Laugh? Get up too quickly? For no good reason? Well, you're about to! Let's just say the reason you carry a pair of extra panties in your purse is less than sexy.

"You're glowing". No. You're sweating.

"Sleep before the baby gets here". No. Anyone who suggests this should have a watermelon shoved up their ass, and try to sleep like that. I am aware that babies don't come out of your ass, but some days it feels like they might. Which brings us to our next topic: Hemorrhoids. Enough said!

It is in your best interest to NOT look at the scale when you go to the doctor during this last stretch of pregnancy. I look straight at the ceiling and tell the nurse to write it down quietly. No woman needs to be aware of the fact that she is gaining a pound a week! Oh, and it doesn't fall right off either. Not even if you breastfeed. Anyone who does shrink right back down to her pre-baby size should be banished with the rest of the pregnancy-loving unicorns. Buh bye!

As you near the end of pregnancy, every minute feels like an hour. You will, at some point, ask your husband if you are going to be pregnant forever. The answer is, YES. Or at least it will feel like it. You know labor isn't going to be a walk in the park, but you're pretty certain you would rather birth a baby horse than be pregnant for one more minute.

Trimesters of #pregnancy - #funny true!

One glorious day you will finally be done with pregnancy and begin the joyous journey of motherhood. No really- it kicks your ass, but it is one hell of a good time! My only suggestion would be NOT to get pregnant again 3 months later. If this happens, you could just find yourself writing the most cynical blog post ever written about pregnancy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Growing up too fast!

Maybe it is my pregnancy hormones again, but I feel like my baby isn't so much a baby anymore. I feel like she is becoming such a toddler, and it is happening entirely too fast! The feeding herself (fine... this one, I am ok with), standing on her own, cruising around the house with her push toy... Can't we just cuddle and hold her forever? I am not ready for her to thin out and lose that baby chub either! I love her rolls and dimples! Is it evil to hope she keeps them forever? Ok ok, that is the worst kind of evil, I know!!

This was the second day she had it. She is really cruising now! 

Just chillin' in her big girl car seat! Enjoying the warm weather!

Ok, so maybe she is still my baby. Look at her little rump!

And on the 8th day, God created Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! This pregnant, and very round, Mama appreciates the 2-4 minute break Mickey provides!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

3rd Trimester and a Little Taste of Spring

I can't believe we are in the homestretch! We will have 2 little girls in less than 3 months! 

How far along: 27
Gender: Girl!!
Weight gain: 15
Maternity clothes: Yoga pants!!!
Stretch marks: Nope!
Belly button in or out: Out.
Sleep: Sleep is scarce these days!
Best moment this week: Spending some time outdoors with my family today.
Worst moment this week: Trying to sleep every night.
Miss anything: Beer, margaritas, wine, Red Bull, drinking as much coffee as I want, breathing and laying down at the same time, tying my shoes.
Movement: Oh yeah, she's getting so big! Her movements are easily seen and felt.
Cravings: Fruit!
Queasy or sick:Nausea is back with a vengeance.
Looking forward to: More nice weather so I can take Ky out to play, and enjoy some time with her before she has to share Mommy's attention. 
Helloooooo SUNSHINE! We finally had some warmer weather today! While we were running errands  today Kyler was going a little stir crazy. So we stopped at an elementary school (the one in Zach's tiny hometown), and played on the playground for a few minutes. It was short, but lovely! Kyler was all smiles. This girl is going to love playing outside once we get rid of this snow (and all the mud it leaves behind). 

Warm weather also means cute spring clothes!! 

And blonde hair? Look at this little blondie!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Cabin Fever!

The past few weeks have been long and cold! Trying to entertain an active 9 month old, who thinks that chewing on shoes and licking everything in sight is fun, is getting exhausting for this pregnant Mama. Seriously, is she spending too much time with her puppies?

I have been trying to become a little more creative with her play time, but it is pretty limited in this never-ending cold weather. We try to switch up which room we are playing in, we take baths in the middle of the day, we pull out the Tupperware and push it all over the kitchen. Whew! C'mon sunshine!!!! 

Everything is more fun without clothes on! 

Mickey entertains us for about 4 minutes!

We go to baby gym once a week! It is nice for Ky to have a different place to roam and climb. She hardly participates in the lessons, and would much prefer to play with the toys her teacher thinks she has hidden well enough so Kyler won't find them. Alas, she always finds these green "shakers", and we have to pry them out of her drool-covered hands. She has a lot of spunk, this one! 

I am not sure she understands sharing yet. We will have to hit that one hard before her baby sister gets here!

We also try to go swimming once a week. Kyler is starting to love the water and becoming more brave every time we go. I can't wait to put a little plastic pool in the yard this summer. This poor girl needs the fresh air and sunshine! 

That's all for now! We are supposed to have some warmer weather this weekend and maybe early next week. I will believe it when I see it...