Friday, March 7, 2014

Cabin Fever!

The past few weeks have been long and cold! Trying to entertain an active 9 month old, who thinks that chewing on shoes and licking everything in sight is fun, is getting exhausting for this pregnant Mama. Seriously, is she spending too much time with her puppies?

I have been trying to become a little more creative with her play time, but it is pretty limited in this never-ending cold weather. We try to switch up which room we are playing in, we take baths in the middle of the day, we pull out the Tupperware and push it all over the kitchen. Whew! C'mon sunshine!!!! 

Everything is more fun without clothes on! 

Mickey entertains us for about 4 minutes!

We go to baby gym once a week! It is nice for Ky to have a different place to roam and climb. She hardly participates in the lessons, and would much prefer to play with the toys her teacher thinks she has hidden well enough so Kyler won't find them. Alas, she always finds these green "shakers", and we have to pry them out of her drool-covered hands. She has a lot of spunk, this one! 

I am not sure she understands sharing yet. We will have to hit that one hard before her baby sister gets here!

We also try to go swimming once a week. Kyler is starting to love the water and becoming more brave every time we go. I can't wait to put a little plastic pool in the yard this summer. This poor girl needs the fresh air and sunshine! 

That's all for now! We are supposed to have some warmer weather this weekend and maybe early next week. I will believe it when I see it...

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