Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Growing up too fast!

Maybe it is my pregnancy hormones again, but I feel like my baby isn't so much a baby anymore. I feel like she is becoming such a toddler, and it is happening entirely too fast! The feeding herself (fine... this one, I am ok with), standing on her own, cruising around the house with her push toy... Can't we just cuddle and hold her forever? I am not ready for her to thin out and lose that baby chub either! I love her rolls and dimples! Is it evil to hope she keeps them forever? Ok ok, that is the worst kind of evil, I know!!

This was the second day she had it. She is really cruising now! 

Just chillin' in her big girl car seat! Enjoying the warm weather!

Ok, so maybe she is still my baby. Look at her little rump!

And on the 8th day, God created Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! This pregnant, and very round, Mama appreciates the 2-4 minute break Mickey provides!

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