Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goodbye 2013!

Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to Our Main Man! 

Hello 2014! While 2013 was a very exciting and eventful year for us, we are pretty excited to welcome a new year. A fresh start, new goals, new baby and Kyler is learning more everyday. She has suddenly started chatting up a storm, and it is the cutest sound in the world! 

Today is also Zach's 29th birthday! I am married to such an old geezer. We will make sure the last year of his 20s is an unforgettable one. Kyler pretty much makes everyday more exciting than they've ever been before! 

I don't like New Years resolutions, but I do have some goals in mind for this year. I am not going to write them down or type them out, but I think of them often.

On a separate note, it is frigging freezing outside and I am done with winter. Kyler is not a fan of wearing clothes at all, so being bundled up is not her cup of tea! We are ready for spring and playing outside and Easter! For now, we shall sit inside with our sweats on and Google pictures of the beach... Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

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