Monday, December 30, 2013

Kyler's 6 Month Stats!

What a Big Girl!! 

Kyler had her 6 month appointment on December 10, which means she was almost 7 months old at the time. While I LOVE our pediatrician, it can be hard to get in to see him sometimes. 

Weight- 17 pounds 14 oz (72nd percentile)
Height- 27.25 inches (85th percentile)
Head- 16.25 inches (15th percentile)

The pediatrician also said she had big feet and LONG legs. I could have lived without the big feet comment- poor girl! We knew she had long legs before she was born because we saw them on her ultrasound. Maybe someday she will be a track star or super model?!?! For now she is just a healthy baby girl, and we are ok with that!

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Check out munchkin practicing her new tricks. She loves to pull up on everything. Especially because now she can get her own toys out. I swear, she will be driving tomorrow!

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