Monday, June 1, 2015

One and Two Year Check-up

Today the girls had their one and two year well visits. I can hardly believe I no longer have a baby under one! 

Zach took half the day off from work- and thank goodness for that! The appointment would have been a shit show of mass proportions if I would have been alone. 

Kyler's 2 Year Stats

Height- 35.25 inches (88th percentile)
Weight- 25 pounds 2 ounces (28th percentile)

Ky Bug is long and skinny- our little string bean! She's a bit of a picky eater these days, but the doctor is not concerned about her weight at all. She's within a completely normal and healthy range. She is obsessed with the cartoon Doc McStuffins, so when her pediatrician was checking their ears, eyes, heartbeat, breathing, etc. she was over-the-moon excited!

Tinley's One Year Stats

Height- 29.25 inches (53rd percentile)
Weight- 20 pounds 11 ounces (64th percentile) 

 Tinley is our little chunky monkey! I know she will start leaning out when she starts walking, and that makes me pretty sad. I love her chubby little arms and legs. I suppose it would be mean to wish she would have them forever, but can't I wish for them to hang around for just a little while?!?!

Zach and I have been saying that we just needed to survive this first year with 2 kids. WE MADE IT!! We will undoubtedly never catch up on sleep or patience, but we have 2 beautiful, healthy little girls. Who needs sleep anyway? 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tinley 9 Month Update

Where has the time gone? Our sweet little Tinley is already 9 months old! I remember thinking to myself last summer, 'If I could just make it to next spring. Life will be so much easier then'. 

Well, spring is upon us and life is getting easier all the time! Both girls have grown up so much in the past few months. I love watching them learn and play! 

Tinley's 9 Month Stats

Height- 28 inches (63rd percentile)
Weight- 19 pounds (64th percentile)
Head- 17.25 inches (49th percentile)
Tinley is our wild child, that is for sure! She has two moods; happy as a clam and pissed at the world. She spends most of her time happy as can be! She dances all day long, claps at us, babbles, laughs and shrieks in the most ear-piercing tone you've ever heard! Tinley crawls all over the place and is now pulling up to stand on every piece of furniture she can find. She can walk while pushing her walker toys and can often be found within inches of her big sister's heels! 
This girl is so fun and happy... Except for when she's not... Our sweet girl has a temper like no other when she's mad. She will scream until she sweats, turn red in the face, hold her breath and really put on a show. It can be frustrating, but I love this spunky little munchkin more than words can say!
Tinley Rae, you give us a run for our money, but we wouldn't change that for anything. Please always stay our "wild one"!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Santa Babies

We have been getting into the holiday spirit around here! Christmas music and Christmas Jammies all day, everyday! 

Dear Santa, my sister did it

Today we took the girls to see Santa. It went much better than we anticipated. 

These girls are so sweet and so fun! How did we get so lucky?

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Today has been a long and fun-filled day! We painted pumpkins with our friends, watched Halloween cartoons, ate Halloween treats and survived a few meltdowns! 


We were planning on putting on the girls' costumes and driving to visit Grandma and Grandpa Egg, but the girls were exhausted from all the festivities. This is as far as we got...

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Whew! If holidays are already this action-packed, mommy is going to need more caffeine in the years to come!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Tinley 4 months

Once again, I am late to post Tinley's stats. She will be 5 months old this week, but I guess it is better late than never! 

Tinley's 4 Month Stats

Height- 24.5 inches (51st percentile)
Weight- 14 pounds (45th percentile)
Head- 16 inches (51st percentile)

I am pretty sure Tinley is smaller than Kyler was at this age. I would have to dig out Kyler's stats to be sure, but who has time for that? Tinley recently started wearing 6 month jammies. I know... How did THAT happen?

This little girl has been the biggest surprise from day 1! Finding out I was pregnant with her was probably the biggest surprise of my life! The insanely quick labor I had with her was quite the surprise. Her beautiful dark hair was unexpected. Her colicky craziness was a not-so-great surprise. But the best surprise of all has been this little girl's feisty personality.

Tinley is one funny little girl. She can make your ears ring when she's mad, or when she is excited. The sounds that come out of this little girl... It is unreal! She is absolutely in love with her big sister. Seriously, she watches her every move. And if Kyler is within reaching distance, Tinley grabs her and tries to chew on her. I see a great friendship in their future (and gray hairs for mommy).

Tinley is in her crib full-time now! Well, some mornings she cuddles with mommy until big sissy wakes up, but we moved the swing to the basement- so we aren't tempted to put her in there in the middle of the night (ya know, when crib training takes a back seat to just a little bit of sleep).  Tinley also seems to have learned her napping habits from her big sis. We are working on that! Fingers crossed we get her on a schedule earlier than we did with Ky!

We love our little Tinley (TT, Tinny, Rinny) more every minute! I can't wait to watch her grow and play with her big sister! You have been a wild ride so far, Miss Tinley Rae! We wouldn't have it any other way!  We love you to pieces! 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Fall Festivities

It seems summer is FINALLY over! We have packed lots of fun fall activities into the last week.

First, we were off to the pumpkin patch/apple orchard/the coolest place ever for all things fall fun! 

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The next day we carved pumpkins and ate caramel apples. By that, I mean mommy and daddy carved pumpkins and Kyler licked the caramel off the apples, dropped stuff into the pumpkins and yelled when she couldn't get them out.  Sounds like a party, right? 

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Apple Cider Sangria= Fall in your mouth

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Peyton Manning has the cutest little fans! We watched him make football history this weekend. Tinley was quite excited!
 We are ready for Halloween and the kickoff of the holiday season! This time of year is so much more fun when you have kiddos to celebrate with!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Back in the Good Ol' CO!

Seriously, there is no better place on earth than home! Particularly my home! Not only are my family and friends there, but every time I return to Colorado I am reminded of why I love it there! The weather, the mountains, the weather...

This was Tinley's first trip to Colorado, and it was perfect timing. It has been so hot and humid in Iowa that we have hardly been able to go outside with her. It was so nice and cool in Colorado, with no humidity! We got to enjoy lots of time outside with friends and family. Kyler was in heaven! 







We got to spend time with family and friends, but it's never even close to enough time! We missed out on seeing some family and close friends because everyday was so jam packed. Every time we load up the car and head east my heart breaks a little! Until next time... =(