Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Fall Festivities

It seems summer is FINALLY over! We have packed lots of fun fall activities into the last week.

First, we were off to the pumpkin patch/apple orchard/the coolest place ever for all things fall fun! 

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The next day we carved pumpkins and ate caramel apples. By that, I mean mommy and daddy carved pumpkins and Kyler licked the caramel off the apples, dropped stuff into the pumpkins and yelled when she couldn't get them out.  Sounds like a party, right? 

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Apple Cider Sangria= Fall in your mouth

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Peyton Manning has the cutest little fans! We watched him make football history this weekend. Tinley was quite excited!
 We are ready for Halloween and the kickoff of the holiday season! This time of year is so much more fun when you have kiddos to celebrate with!

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