Thursday, August 28, 2014

Back in the Good Ol' CO!

Seriously, there is no better place on earth than home! Particularly my home! Not only are my family and friends there, but every time I return to Colorado I am reminded of why I love it there! The weather, the mountains, the weather...

This was Tinley's first trip to Colorado, and it was perfect timing. It has been so hot and humid in Iowa that we have hardly been able to go outside with her. It was so nice and cool in Colorado, with no humidity! We got to enjoy lots of time outside with friends and family. Kyler was in heaven! 







We got to spend time with family and friends, but it's never even close to enough time! We missed out on seeing some family and close friends because everyday was so jam packed. Every time we load up the car and head east my heart breaks a little! Until next time... =(









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