Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Random Life Happenings

Kyler had her first dentist appointment last week. She did so good with the teeth brushing and polishing. Barely cried at all. She read books in the waiting room, and got a big girl sticker after her appointment. 

There was a man mowing the lawn, who proved to be much more interesting than me taking her picture.
Tinley gets bigger and stronger everyday! We are really enjoying the evenings with her as she is less and less fussy everyday. She is becoming a pretty relaxed little lady (most of the time). 

Her hair is amazing! I love love love it!

The girls are still working on this sister thing. Sometimes Kyler is really interested in Tinley. Other times she ignores her, or seems jealous of her. We will randomly catch some really sweet moments. 

Let's file this one under one of the not-so-sweet moments?

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