Friday, May 23, 2014

Kyler's First Birthday!!

Our little girl is one!! I can't believe it has been a year since we welcomed our wrinkly little Ky Bug into the world! She is the most adorable, fun little girl and we are blessed to be her parents! 

We celebrated her birthday with family and friends with a small party at our new house. 

Kyler absolutely loved all the attention on her big day! She played with friends, snuggled with her favorite people and dominated her first birthday cake! 

Kyler had such a fun and memorable first birthday party! She has so many people that love her. What a lucky little lady! 

On Kyler's actual birthday daddy had to work, so we played at home and had a picnic with daddy for lunch. 

Grandma and Papa Hopkins got Ky a swing set for her birthday. Daddy put it together the night before so the birthday girl would have a surprise when she woke up! She LOVED it!

Sprinkle french toast for the birthday girl's breakfast!

Birthdays are exhausting!

We ended the night with snuggles and Cinderella in Mommy and Daddy's room.

This little rebel was up way past her bed time! She was loving Cinderella!

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