Saturday, May 10, 2014

36 Weeks and Our Big Girl!

How far along:36
Gender: Girl!!
Weight gain: 30
Maternity clothes: Oh yeah!
Stretch marks: Nope!
Belly button in or out: Out, so far out!
Sleep: Sleep is not my friend. At least not one I know very well these days.
Best moment this week: Some family time as our little family of 3.
Worst moment this week: A hospital visit due to contractions. We are well on our way to meeting our little baby! Dilated to 3.5 and 90% effaced! Any time now!
Miss anything: Cinco De Mayo really had me missing margaritas! Moving around and not feeling like a hippo.
Movement: Movement has slowed down a bit. Little girl is running out of room!
Cravings: Poptarts!
Queasy or sick: Nausea here and there.
Looking forward to: Kyler's first birthday party next weekend and meeting our new little lady!

I can't believe Kyler will be 1 next week! She is growing up way too fast! She is walking, talking and learning more everyday! She LOVES chasing her puppies and bringing us books to read. She says, "Mama" and "Dada". She also says "ball", which is another one of her favorite toys! 

We have a big week coming up, starting with Mother's Day tomorrow! We have lots to do to get ready for Miss Kyler's birthday! And of course, we are just waiting for #2 to make her appearance!

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