Time is flying by faster than I can even describe!! I can't believe this little monkey is 9 months old already!
Kyler's 9 Month Stats
Weight- 20 pounds 0 oz (78th percentile)
Height- 28.5 inches (81st percentile)
Head- 17 inches (31st percentile)
Kyler LOVES:
Mommy and Daddy, books, her ball pit, swimming, her puppies, playing and bath time.
Kyler does NOT love:
Eating, her high chair, getting dressed or EATING! =(
It seems like our little girl is trying to learn how to do everything at once! Within a WEEK she tried standing on her own, feeding herself (really short-lived), she started waving, she cut 4 teeth (yeah, 4... and I can't drink). I have had more than one mommy breakdown in the past few weeks. How long before she won't want mommy cuddles before bedtime? It seems like she is in diapers today, but will be in kindergarten tomorrow. I can't even handle the thought! Hormones might play a role in these breakdowns... Just a guess! I am sure there is no end in sight to this growing up too fast problem, so for now we shall enjoy every second of cuddles, giggles and blissful babyness! I might cry about her growing up, but she does get more fun every day! So maybe I should pull my shit together? Maybe!