Monday, January 6, 2014

18 weeks!

I haven't posted one of these yet, so what the hay! 

How far along: 18
Gender: Hmmmm
Weight gain: 4 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Pretty much living in yoga pants. I have pulled the maternity clothes out though.
Stretch marks: None yet!
Belly button in or out: On its way out
Sleep: Bah!!!! If I can get around the hip and back pain long enough to fall asleep, I have the craziest (sometimes scary) dreams. This means lots of time awake, watching Kyler on the monitor. It's enough to make me crazy crazier!
Best moment this week: Kyler finally having her own room!
Worst moment this week: Kyler gagging and throwing up her food for the gazillionth time.
Miss anything: Beer, margaritas, wine, Red Bull. 
Movement: I thought I felt a really strong kick the other day. I can't wait to feel more!
Cravings: Fruit, Kisses with almonds, Jimmy Johns.
Queasy or sick: Nope!
Looking forward to: Announcing the gender and feeling more baby movements.

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