Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tinley 9 Month Update

Where has the time gone? Our sweet little Tinley is already 9 months old! I remember thinking to myself last summer, 'If I could just make it to next spring. Life will be so much easier then'. 

Well, spring is upon us and life is getting easier all the time! Both girls have grown up so much in the past few months. I love watching them learn and play! 

Tinley's 9 Month Stats

Height- 28 inches (63rd percentile)
Weight- 19 pounds (64th percentile)
Head- 17.25 inches (49th percentile)
Tinley is our wild child, that is for sure! She has two moods; happy as a clam and pissed at the world. She spends most of her time happy as can be! She dances all day long, claps at us, babbles, laughs and shrieks in the most ear-piercing tone you've ever heard! Tinley crawls all over the place and is now pulling up to stand on every piece of furniture she can find. She can walk while pushing her walker toys and can often be found within inches of her big sister's heels! 
This girl is so fun and happy... Except for when she's not... Our sweet girl has a temper like no other when she's mad. She will scream until she sweats, turn red in the face, hold her breath and really put on a show. It can be frustrating, but I love this spunky little munchkin more than words can say!
Tinley Rae, you give us a run for our money, but we wouldn't change that for anything. Please always stay our "wild one"!